Bilpin Bushfire Appeal Unit Handover

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Sydney Markets Foundation Donates Rapid Spray Slip-on Tank and Pump Units to Bilpin


[25 May 2021] – Two rapid spray slip-on tank and pump units were delivered to Bilpin landholders in support of its Bilpin Rural Fire Service (RFS) Brigade this week, thanks to a bushfire fund initiated by the Sydney Markets Foundation after the Bilpin region was devastated in the2019/2020 blazes.


Bilpin, also known as the “Land of the Mountain Apple”, is nestled in the heart of the Blue Mountains along the historic Bells Line of Road, west of Sydney, New South Wales. The region is synonymous with supplying the highest quality apples and flowers to the Sydney Markets’ community.


CarloTrimboli, Chairperson of the Sydney Markets Foundation, said the fresh produce wholesaler community was passionate about doing whatever it could to get Bilpin back on track, as they could see first-hand the devastation left in the aftermath of the bushfires and the toll it was having on their growers.


“Sydney Markets has a long association with the region and its growers, and Bilpin is a critical supplier of apples and flowers to Sydney Markets,” Carlo said.


“When the bushfires came in 2019/2020, Bilpin was subjected to unrelenting fires that engulfed the area, but thanks to the unwavering bravery of the Bilpin Rural Fires Service (RFS) Brigade, there was no loss of life and minimal loss of property.


“We couldn’t undo the devastation of 2019/2020, but we wanted to do something positive, so we chose to help prepare Bilpin for future bushfire seasons by supplying two Rapid Spray slip-on tank and pump units.”


The Rapid Spray slip-on tank and pump units resulted from Sydney Markets Foundation’ Bushfire Appeal that raised $239,600, including $150,000 from Sydney Markets Limited, on behalf of their stakeholders.


Jim Haines, Bilpin Rural Fire Service (RFS) Brigade Deputy Captain, says the impact that this incredible donation will have on the community of Bilpin is immeasurable.


“The generosity of the community and businesses in the wake of the Black Summer bushfires has been incredible, and we thank Sydney Markets Foundation for the kind donation of these two Rapid Spray slip-on tank and pump units, which will assist Bilpin in protecting its community fight future fires,” he said. 

“In honour of William ‘Bill’ Johnson and Albert Newton, who celebrated 70 years at Bilpin Rural Fire Service and fought more than 100 fires, each unit will adorn their names in recognition of their bravery and unrelenting determination to protect the people of Bilpin,” Jim concluded.

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