Residue testing programs protect the reputation of the fruit and vegetable industry.
If residues exceed legal limits, the Department of Environmental Conservation (DEC) pesticide inspectors will trace the produce back to the grower to find out why the residue is high and to prevent such produce from being marketed in the future. The growers are then asked to complete a corrective action form to eliminate future overpaying of produce.
Volume testing allows us to provide tests at competitive prices with Freshmark members also saving up to 20% of some tests. All results are confidential, and the scale and quality of the program ensures the most accurate testing in Australa. All testing adheres to Codex guidelines.
All laboratories used in the FreshTest® program have the relevant National Association of Testing Authorities (NATA) Accreditation for chemical, microbial and heavy metal testing that is performed by that laboratory. Laboratories used for residue analysis have current NATA Accreditation to ISO/IEC 17025 for the analysis of pesticide residues.
Our team is on-site at Sydney Markets to collect tests daily and advise on processes
Send samples direct to Freshmark or to your wholesaler / agent
FreshTest collects from the Freshmark office in Sydney Markets
Fill out the Grower Form and send it to us – we take care of the rest
Maximum turnaround of 6 days for results
A central database ensures that the same produce isn't tested twice
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